Monthly Archives: June 2014

Those Aren’t Tears!


It’s the end of another school year but this one was a little hard on The Boy. In our town, Middle School starts in 5th Grade. Having just completed 4th, he knows he’s in for a big change next year. And while we did have a rocky start at this school last year (see MomDay Monday – Cue Alice Cooper), I knew The Boy adjusted just fine when I overheard him talking to BFF#2, Josh:

The Boy: “Tomorrow’s our last day at Pentucket Lake. I’m kind of sad. But if you think you see me crying, I”m not. I’m just sweating through my eyeballs. It’s been really hot out.”

He felt that formal-wear was a proper send-off to a school he grew to love.

He felt that formal-wear was a proper send-off to a school he grew to love.

MomDay Monday – I Guess Insurance CAN be Fun


*ring ring*

Me: “Good morning. How can I help you?”

Caller: “This isn’t Tuscan Kitchen?”

Me: “No, I’m sorry it’s not.”



*ring ring*

Me: “Good morning. How can I help you?”

Caller: “Ugh! I’m trying to reach Tuscan Kitchen! How come I keep getting you?!”



*ring ring*

Me: “Tuscan Kitchen.”

Caller: “Finally. I need to make a reservation.”

Me: “Of course. For what time?”

Caller: “8.”

Me: “Umm… I don’t seem to have anything for 8. How is 8:07?”

Caller: “What? Okay, I guess.”

Me: “What’s the name?”

Caller: “Lisa.”

Me: “Hmmm… I already have a Lisa for tonight. Can you be Suzanne?”




Day. Made.